“Treat Your Body Right”
Age / Grade Level: All elementary grades.
Program Length: Approx. 40 – 45 min.
Key Messages: Be physically active everyday, always get a good night’s sleep, and make healthy food choices.
Synopsis: It’s no secret that YoJo enjoys his junk food binges. He also sees no problem in his couch potato way of life. However, he quickly realizes that he definitely needs help after some comical fitness challenges.
YoJo learns that being physically active everyday is not only important, but it can be a lot of fun, too. The show also stresses the value of getting a good night’s sleep and features the USDA MyPlate Icon to illustrate sensible and well-balanced food choices. The program is concluded with your whole audience getting up and dancing to “YOJOROBICS!”
If needed, your TREAT YOUR BODY RIGHT assembly can also include appropriate anti-smoking, anti-alcohol, or anti-drug messages, too.
Great For: Promoting a healthy lifestyle, kicking off field days, or just an enjoyable treat for any young audience.
Also Included: A dozen 11″x17″ color TREAT YOUR BODY RIGHT posters!