“Bully No More”

Subject: Anti-Bullying

Age / Grade Level: Great for elementary and K-8 schools.
(Please call to discuss if your audience has pre-school age children. )

Program Length: Approx. 45 min.

Key Message: Bullying is wrong.  Bullying should not be tolerated, and bullies, bully targets, and those who are witnesses to bullying need to take care of their situations appropriately.

Synopsis: YoJo now has a bullying problem.  The problem is that YoJo’s the bully!  In fact, YoJo initially uses bully tactics just so he can get laughs from others. But when YoJo realizes how frightening and harmful bullying can be, he realizes how unfunny his actions have been. YoJo and the show’s host then review all the important things for kids to do if they are being bullied, a witness to bullying, and we also address those who are doing the bullying, too.  These important lessons include:


  • Standing up to those who bully (given safe circumstances)

  • NOT making bully situations worse by overreacting or trying to bully back a bully.

  • Being supportive to those who need help, not those who bully.

  • Considering the differences between what’s being playful and fun, and what’s harmful and mean.

  • Including, not excluding, others in groups and activities.

  • Always talking to a trusted adult about bullying incidents.

  • Plus much more …

The program concludes when YoJo sees an audience volunteer that is put in an on-stage bullying situation.  YoJo responds by putting his arm around the bully target, taking him/her away from the bullying situation, and including him/her involved in a friendly activity.

Great For: Teaching a serious life lesson, but in a very positive and upbeat manner.

Also Included: A dozen 11″x17″color BULLY NO MORE posters.


BULLY NO MORE has now been adapted for live broadcasts via ZOOM from our TV studio to your young audience. CLICK HERE FOR A BROCHURE.  
